Background to the Promotion of Rule of Law Education
"Reinforce the Core Value of the Rule of Law" is one of the key priorities for the HKSAR Government in the Chief Executive's 2022 Policy Address. To foster a rule of law society, various sectors must work together with the HKSAR Government to jointly enhance public awareness, proper understanding and confidence in respect of the rule of law, and to conscientiously uphold the rule of law.

Promotion of Rule of Law Education
To enhance the promotion of the rule of law education in Hong Kong, the Department of Justice (DoJ) established the Steering Committee on Rule of Law Education in February 2023, chaired by the Secretary for Justice with the representatives from the relevant bureaux, the judicial and legal sectors as well as the law schools as members, to provide advice and assistance to the DoJ in relation to its strategy and programme for the promotion of the rule of law education as well as facilitate the co-ordination and co-operation among government departments and relevant non-government organisations in the promotion of the rule of law education in Hong Kong, with an aim to promote consistent and correct messages on the rule of law in different sectors of the community and foster the general public's self-consciousness to uphold the rule of law.